Posted in Caden, Cole

Baby Caden

We were eating dinner tonight and I was telling Pook about this precious little 5 month old baby boy that I photographed today. Cole chimed in, “Hey Daddy, I want a baby boy to come and stay here with us.” Jonathan replied, “You want to have another brother or sister, is that what you mean?” Cole quickly shouted out “YES!!! I WANTS ANOTHER BABY SISTER JUST LIKE LUCY ROSE”. Jonathan discreetly tries to push the baby brother factor…”What’s that you say … you want to have a fishing buddy? You know, someone you can throw the baseball around with? Well, then, I bet you a little brother would love to do those things with you … and I bet you he will  even want to go camping with you one day too.” Cole wasn’t buying it, he totally wants another baby sister (I thought to myself.).Pook and I quickly ended that conversation and were on to talking about something new, when Cole busted out … “Hey guys! I don’t want a baby brother or a baby sister, I just want to have a baby Caden”. So yeah, he wants a replica of Caden to come and live with him. Aunt Fro, any luck in making this happen?


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